Deposit Bonds

Updated by Caroline Pollard

*Please note - All fees paid to you will be based on your % split as per your membership agreement with us.*

We have a few different Deposit Bond providers available to you

A client may need a Deposit Bond when they don't yet have access to cash to put a deposit on a home.

Deposit Assure

Get accredited here

Earn 12% of the premiums

Watch video here

Deposit Power

Accreditation Deposit Bonds Australia Accreditation Form Complete the form and return to MLB Accreditations

Earn 16% of the STDPG (Short Term Deposit Power Guarantee) Fees received by Deposit Power for each STDPG arranged by the Agent. STDPG Term 0 - 6 months

12% of the LTDPG (Long Term Deposit Power Guarantee) Fees received by Deposit Power for each LTDPG arranged by the Agent. LTDPG Term 6 – 48 months

For the avoidance of doubt, Deposit Power will only pay Commission in respect of STDPG & LTDPG after it has received those fees.

Deposit Bonds Australia (DBA)

Accreditation Please complete the form here

Earn xxxx

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