dosh App

Updated by Caroline Pollard

dosh can help your business in three ways...

 1. Customer onboarding

By allowing customers to link all of their financials into a single source, they can share that data in a detailed financial document to you. Our document includes breakdowns of income by source, expenses are all categorised, we provide all transactions for all linked accounts and even provide deep insights like dishonour fees, overdrafts, centrelink income and gambling to give you more context into the specifics of each of your customers.

2. Ongoing financial access

When customers share their financial data currently, you get a snapshot in time of their finances – nothing more. With diñeiro, you get ongoing access (customer approved of course) to your customers finances so you can make more informed decisions on what is best for their situation.

3. Customer Retention (New & Next Opportunities)

We provide deep insights into the performance of your customer’s portfolio to give you actionable insights. No more guessing on the best time to re-engage with your customers. Our insights let you maximise the lifetime value of each customer while building meaningful relationships.

Download more info here

dosh app opt-in

OPTION 1 - MLB branded version of the app

  • Account set up fee - $185 + GST
  • $30 + GST per month which includes 20 client licenses
  • Any client licenses beyond the initial 20 will be charged at $1.50 per month per client  
    • Eg. If you have 40 clients on the app, you will be charged $50 per month


OPTION 2 - Broker branded version of the app

  • $150 per month (12 month min commitment) which includes 150 client licenses
  • Any client licenses beyond the initial 150 will be charged at $1 per month per client  
    • Eg. If you have 163 clients on the app, you will be charged $163 per month
    • Volume discounts can be discussed if you think you’ll easily exceed 150

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