Third Party Integrations in Chief

Updated by Caroline Pollard

Third Party Integrations in Chief

Annature (eSignatures)
  • Go to 'Settings' in Chief and select 'Billing Details'. You will see the signature request, you will need to add your credit card details.
  • Cost is $49.95 per 100 signatures
  • For any further questions, please email MLB Support

  • Opt-in here
  • Cost is $35 + GST per month for unlimited statements
  • Switch on in Chief under '3rd party integrations' in your settings, you will need an API for this
  • For more info, contact Dale Stephens, 0488 852 924


  • We will request an account for you once you are onboarded, this can take up to a week to switch on.
  • You will know when Equifax is activated when you are in the deal view and the Equifax button no longer says 'Enable Equifax'.
  • Cost is $11 + GST per report which will be billed to you monthly by MLB.
  • For any further questions, please email MLB Support

illion Access Seeker (Credit Reports)

illion Bankstatements

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