Allianz - How to refer customers via Chief

Updated by Caroline Pollard

Diversifying with Allianz

*Please note - All fees paid to you will be based on your % split as per your membership agreement with us.*

Who is Allianz?

Allianz offers MLB members a no advice referral model to help protect their customers assets. You can refer customers to Allianz for the following general insurance products:

  1. Building and contents insurance;
  2. Landlord insurance;
  3. Motor vehicle insurance; and
  4. Caravan and trailer insurance.

It's a great way our members are adding value to their service offering and providing much needed assistance, whilst earning an additional revenue stream. 

How do I become accredited with Allianz?

Should you wish to become accredited with Allianz, please email our Accreditations Team at

How do I set up Allianz as an email referral in Chief?
  1. Go to the 'Diversification' tab (Settings > Diversification).
  2. Click on the '+ ADD REFERRAL' button next to 'General Insurance: Landlord Protection'.
  3. Set up 'General Insurance: Landlord Protection' as per below details and screenshot:

Referrer Name: Mortgage Broker Sales Team (Allianz)

Referrer Email Address:

Email Template (Select from Existing Settings/External Notifications): 

Allianz Insurance Referral (Home Loans) Email Template

Note: Click here for instructions on setting up your 'Allianz Insurance Referral (Home Loans)' email template.

  1. Repeat the above steps for 'General Insurance: Home and Contents'.
How do I refer clients to Allianz?

Chief offers a quick, simple and easy process to refer your clients to Allianz via the:

  • 'Needs and Objectives' tab in 'Client Profile'; or
  • 'Diversification Opportunities' tab in 'Broker Tools'.
  1. In the 'Needs and Objectives' tab, please ensure that the mandatory 'Requirements and Objectives' and 'Loan Purpose Type' sections are completed.
  2. The 'Client is purchasing a property and will require a CERTIFICATE OF CURRENCY/HOME AND CONTENTS insurance to complete loan settlement.' or 'Client is buying/refinancing an investment property. Have you discussed LANDLORD PROTECTION COVER?' diversification opportunity will then appear.
  3. Click on the 'REFER' button and select the 'Mortgage Broker Sales Team (Allianz)' option from the dropdown menu.
  1. This will open the 'Send Referral E-Mail to Mortgage Broker Sales Team (Allianz)' popup window where you can select the 'Allianz Insurance Referral (Home Loans)' email template.
  2. Edit the sections in the 'Content of E-Mail' which require manual completion.
  3. Click on the 'SEND' button once finished.
  4. Once sent, the email will be stored automatically in the 'Notes' tab of the relevant deal.
Please see below knowledge base articles for more information:

Your Chief Training Manager is Santosh Mathew who can be contacted on 03 7020 9482 or

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