Little Real Estate

Updated by Caroline Pollard

Property Management referrals

*Please note - All fees paid to you will be based on your % split as per your membership agreement with us.*

Referral fees payable: $550 inc GST

If a broker refers a property investor to our property management services and we manage the property, we will pay a referral fee of $550 inc GST

Fees payable for properties in VIC and QLD. (fees payable in NSW if My Local Broker has a agents licence in that state)

Paid on new properties, existing properties, properties coming from another agent and multiple properties from the one landlord.


Service areas

Little Real Estate manages properties in Victoria, Queensland and New South Wales - Download Service Area Map Here


Discounted property management fees

So that your brokers can build rapport with their clients and provide the client with a stronger investment yield, we have discounted our management fees & are offering a bonus discounted period for their clients referrals.

These are very competitive management fees for your referrals and are 1-2% lower than the national average.

We can apply these fees and the referral payments to your own investment properties


Rental appraisal service

For the convenience of your brokers we offer a 24hr turnaround rental appraisal inbox service. We will get back to you with an appraisal on a letter head completed by the property specialist in that suburb  : Just email with details of the property and a floor plan.


My Local Broker & Little Real Estate brochure

Download our 1 page brochure that can be emailed to your clients. It introduces Little Real Estate and our discounted fees and services.


One Central Point of contact

I will be your brokers one point of contact for all their property management needs and questions. Happy to discuss property management with their investors if required.


How to refer a property investor to us?

Simply email me the details of the client to AND/OR  fill out the landing page specifically created for My Local broker.  Landing page link:

Rob Manning

0408 663 286

03 8823 2432

Melbourne | Sydney | Brisbane | Gold Coast | Sunshine Coast

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