Multi-step forms for website leads

Updated by Caroline Pollard

Using Multi-Step Forms for Better Website Lead Capture

We're excited to introduce the all-new multi-step form feature in Chief, completely redesigned from the ground up. Chief can be used to generate multi-step forms and then embedded on your website to save new leads directly into Chief.

What is a multi-step form?

According to Hubspot, "a multi-step form is a long form that is broken into multiple pieces. They’re used to make long forms... less intimidating and daunting.

By allowing customers and leads to complete their information in smaller chunks, you create a positive user experience and increase conversions." 

Multi-step forms increase conversion rates by up to 52.9%. What are the benefits of using a multi-step form on your website?

  • Improves your website's conversion rate;
  • Helps you understand how qualified the lead is;
  • Prevents the user from feeling overwhelmed;
  • Generate more qualified sales leads than marketing leads; and
  • Assists with data gathering.

What type of deal types can I capture using multi-step forms?

The multi-step form enables website visitors to complete a short questionnaire for the following deal types:

  • Home loans;
  • Car loans;
  • Personal loans; and
  • Commercial loans.

What does the multi-step form look like?

Note: Multi-step forms are responsive, that is, they will automatically adjust and adapt to any device screen size, whether it is a desktop, laptop, tablet or smart phone.

How does it work? 

Once the multi-step form on your website is submitted, a new deal will automatically be created within the relevant workflow in Chief. A new contact will also be created. Client contact details are saved along with the questionnaire responses in the 'Deal Summary/Summary Notes' section.

How do I set up multi-step forms on my website?

You can set up the multi-step form on your website by referring to the following knowledge base article in our Chief Help Centre: Embedding a web form on your website

We highly recommend that users watch the following video to learn more about embedding multi-step forms on your website. These forms must be implemented by your Web Designer/Developer.

Are you currently using our old web forms?

Our old webforms while still operational - will be removed completely from Chief in an upcoming release. If you are currently utilising our old web forms in any of your websites and/or applications, please update your website coding accordingly to avoid any disruptions.

Why should I use multi-step forms on my website?

Multi-step forms have the potential to increase your conversion rate and create a better user experience for your website visitors. With the help of Chief, multi-step forms are also easy to generate and embed on your website. When you provide your leads with a positive web form experience, you will create customer relationships that last. 

Please see below resources for more information:
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